Underfloor Heating


Total heating is an electric underfloor heating system designed as the main heat source for an entire room, capable of maintaining a steady and comfortable temperature without the need for additional heating sources. Total heating is ideal in rooms or homes where underfloor heating provides all necessary warmth.

For enhanced energy efficiency, total heating systems can be paired with programmable thermostats that allow you to set custom heating schedules. These thermostats enable you to program temperature reductions during night-time hours, set lower temperatures when the room is unoccupied, or activate energy-saving modes during periods when no one is home, such as vacations. By tailoring the system to your daily routines, you can reduce energy consumption while ensuring warmth is provided only when needed. This programmable control helps total heating systems deliver uniform, efficient heating without excessive energy use.


  • Low-cost, easy installation
  • Invisible heat source
  • Maintenance free
  • Highest possible heat efficiency
  • Independent control of temperature regulation
  • Quick warm-up time​ ​
  • Environmental friendliness
  • No danger of flood or frost

Case stories

Read about our experience in real-life solutions


DEVIreg™ Opti electronic thermostat

DEVIreg™ Opti electronic thermostat combines precise electrical underfloor heating control and elegant design. The DEVIreg™ Opti electronic thermostat is used for control of indoor electrical underfloor heating when installing DEVI heating cables or mats.


DEVIreg Smart + DEVIsmart App

New DEVIreg™ Smart thermostat and DEVIsmart™ App for wireless control of electrical floor heating.


DEVIsmart App for iOS - wireless control of electrical heating

DEVIsmart™ application provides you with possibility to wireless control of electric floor heating systems equipped with DEVIreg™ Smart thermostat.
